movement Ideas
Move your body. Change a life.
Dedicate one day a week of your running. Use an app to keep up with your distance or time.
Run a "5K a day" during the month
Virtual Race - Do a 5K, 10K, half marathon, or a full marathon on your own and have your friends support you.
Sign up for a Local 5k
Track your time or distance on your treadmill
Dedicate your daily session and ask your friends and family to sponsor that time.
Ask your Yogi to dedicate a class or even mulitple classes to raise funds.
Grab a friend and commit to a weekly session together.
Kids can choose to ride to school everyday for a week or for the month.
Cycle around a local park.
Join a riding group that rides weekly
Dedicate one day during the month to ride a specific route.
Families can ride in their neighborhoods.
Working Out/Lifting
Encourage your Crossfit group to join.
Sponsor a weight lifting competition.
Dedicate your time during personal training or bootcamps.
Dedicate a daily 20 minute walk around your neighborhood.
Walk on your treadmill for a specific distance daily or weekly.
Invite a friend to walk a specific route during the month.
Challenge yourself to walk the longest distance you've ever walked.
Put together a group for a day of Zumba.
Dedicate a class or mulitple classes of Barre Fitness.Consider asking your instructor or other class members to join you.
Orgnaize a dance-a-thon